Is a Surface Web really safe?

3 min readAug 3, 2020


People use the internet on a regular basis and knew there are governments monitoring us who post things or release statements that look harmful or malicious to them on the public.

We all see that when people release the true or false statements about the government, as long as it makes them look bad and the information is spread to the public, what happens is bad for the posters anyway. There are many famous examples for us to see, such as the case of Mr. Wanchalerm Saksaksit or the case of Mr. Thanakon Siriphaiboon, which has both computer offenses because of disseminating information, posting messages, distorting and condemning the government. That is the information the news told us and we do not know whether the information is true or false. But what we can see clearly is that the internet is not always a safe area for those who want to conflict with the government or royal.

“ Things are getting so invisible, so hidden, that you start to think you can do only what is on the surface, what is visible. So, the operating system comes with a browser you use it for years, and it never comes to your mind that you could install another browser ” — Olia Lialina.

From what she said, it reminds me of the internet that we use until this day that we use only 4%. YES, there is 96% of the internet left. So we knew only 4% of the data and information because of the limitations of the surface web which is a browser that we use today such as google chrome or firefox.

There is another browser such as Tor (“The Onion Routing” project) or I2P (“Invisible Internet Project”) that allow us to enter Deep web or Dark web and post things safely ( but you have to work hard to get there ) and there are only a few people who know about this. Both bowsers are protected your privacy by not revealing your IP address to the websites you visit. Anyone from journalists and political rebels to your average you can use these platforms to keep information safe from repressive governments or big corporations.

“ Today, we might say, technology has become advanced enough to give us the internet, but we’re still finding out if society is advanced enough to accept it. ” — James Bridle

What I’m trying to convey is most people don’t know the true potential of the internet or how to use it and we are happy to stay safe on the surface but Is it really safe? what if the surface web is just a cage that keeps us from the rest of the data and can be easily observed. what if it is a place to give us the information that can be edited and distorted from reality too. Maybe it is a place that our personal information is not really private when our IP can be leaked on the surface web.



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